Almond milk nutrition beats most milks

The almond milk diet has popped up in coffee shops across the country, and with good reason. This popular plant-based milk alternative is a great source of several important nutrients and has been linked to a plethora of potential health benefits.

So is almond milk bad for you or can it be a healthy addition to a balanced diet? If you want to learn more about the benefits and side effects of almond milk, you’ve come to the right place.

In this article, we’ll also decode some of the key differences between some of the most popular dairy products on the market to help you decide which ones to add to your next grocery list. You will also learn how to make it yourself.

What is almond milk?

Let’s start with the facts: Almond milk is made from almonds, the drupe (botanically actually a fruit) called Prunus dulcis.

How is almond milk made? Almond milk is made by mixing almonds and water, then using a strainer or cheesecloth to remove any solids. This gives the end product a smooth texture and a light, slightly nutty flavor.

While almond milk doesn’t necessarily retain all of the nutritional benefits of whole almonds, it can definitely be incorporated into a healthy, well-planned diet and consumed in moderation.

As well as providing a range of important nutrients, it may also be associated with some serious health benefits ranging from improved brain function to improved bone health and beyond.

It’s also very versatile and a great alternative to cow’s milk for those on a dairy-free diet or dairy-intolerant. And not only can it be swapped into most recipes and used in place of milk, but it’s also a great addition to baked goods, smoothies, shakes and desserts.

nutritional information

The almond milk diet is nothing to shake your head at. It contains the RDA of vitamin E, a substantial amount of vitamin D (if store bought) and a hearty dose of calcium.

It’s also extremely low in calories compared to other dairy products and can be a valuable tool when trying to lose weight. In fact, most of the fat calories in each serving come from heart-healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, both of which have been linked to a long list of health benefits.

A cup of store-bought unsweetened almond milk contains approximately (see the recipe below to see how it compares to homemade almond milk formula):

40 calories
2 grams of carbohydrates
1 gram of protein
3 grams total fat
1 gram of fiber
10 milligrams of vitamin E (50 percent DV)
100 international units of vitamin D (25 percent DV)
200 milligrams of calcium (20 percent DV)
500 international units of vitamin A (10 percent DV)
16 milligrams of magnesium (4 percent DV)
40 milligrams of phosphorus (4 percent DV)

Final Thoughts

Almond milk is a popular dairy product made by mixing almonds with water and using cheesecloth or a sieve to remove the solids.
It’s low in calories but packed with many important nutrients, including calcium, vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin A. It’s also dairy-free, lactose-free, gluten-free, and low-sugar, depending on your choice and amount of sweetener.

Research has uncovered a number of almond milk benefits for skin, heart health, weight loss, bone health, brain function, and more.
It’s important to remember that store-bought almond milk is often full of added sugars, sweeteners, and artificial flavors. For this reason, it’s best to try to make your own at home if possible.

Children under the age of one and those allergic to almonds should also avoid this popular milk alternative.

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Almond milk is a popular dairy product made by mixing almonds with water and using cheesecloth or a sieve to remove the solids.
It’s low in calories but packed with many important nutrients, including calcium, vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin A. It’s also dairy-free, lactose-free, gluten-free, and low-sugar, depending on your choice and amount of sweetener.

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