All the lights point to an early drought this year

The Garonne in times of drought. – FRED SCHEIBER / 20 MINUTES

We are only at the beginning of May and yet the Garonne is already showing signs of drought. In
Haute-Garonne, the lack of rain and the early melting of snow, scarce this year, make it possible to feel a lack of water, according to the Water Committee, brought together by the
prefect May 4.

These significant hydrological deficits for the season will be closely scrutinized by the authorities in the coming weeks, especially as Météo-France announces in its seasonal forecasts a probable drought for April, May and June in the south of France.

Gradual decline since February

“Despite the rains which affected the department last week, the hydrology of the rivers and the humidity of the soil are at low levels for the season,” indicates the prefecture. As the snow melted early and the groundwater level has been gradually declining since February, vigilance must be required because this situation suggests an early drought situation ”.

An alarming situation to be tempered by a significant filling of dams, more than 80%. Thanks to a cooperation agreement between the main players in low-flow support for the Garonne (State services, SMEAG, Adour-Garonne Water Agency and
EDF), additional volumes to replenish the watercourses can be decided.

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