King Charles III: Monarch travels to France in June

King Charles III
Monarch is traveling to France in June

King Charles III, here in April 2024, will travel to France in June.

© imago images/Spotlight Royal

Although King Charles III. While he is still being treated for cancer, he will soon be traveling to France.

King Charles III, who is being treated for cancer. (75) has recently made several public appearances. How The palace now announces that, despite his health situation, the British monarch will take part in several commemorative events on the 80th anniversary of the Allied landings in Normandy during the Second World War and will also travel to France.

First, on June 5th, Charles, his wife, Queen Camilla (76), and his eldest son, Prince William (41), will go to the English south coast. “The King and Queen, accompanied by the Prince of Wales, will attend the United Kingdom’s national commemoration event in Portsmouth to mark the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings,” the palace said.

The following June 6, the King and Queen will attend a Ministry of Defense and Royal British Legion event at the British Normandy Memorial, a memorial near the French town of Ver-sur-Mer. Charles is a patron of the organization.

Busy schedule for the Royals

Other members of the royal family will also attend appointments on the two days. Charles’ sister, Princess Anne (73), accompanied by her husband, Sir Timothy Laurence (69), will take part in a reception and memorial service in Normandy on June 5th, unveil a statue and visit a military cemetery in Bayeux. Meanwhile, William is scheduled to attend a Canadian government memorial event in Courseulles-sur-Mer on June 6 and a ceremony on Omaha Beach. Meanwhile, Charles’ brother Edward (60) will attend a memorial service with his wife Sophie (59) in Staffordshire.

In February it was announced that Charles had cancer. He did not attend public appointments for several weeks, but otherwise continued to work. At the end of April, the palace announced the monarch’s return to public life.


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