Alice Weidel: AfD chairwoman criticizes Reich citizen raid (video)

Watch the video: Alice Weidel criticizes a major raid against the Reich Citizens’ Scene.

Alice Weidel, leader of the AfD party and parliamentary group, says with regard to the raid on Reich citizens: “It is really shocking and shameful what is now going on here in this Federal Republic of Germany Officials who are sent out on pensioners like this have been unprecedented, and in the end they ignore all the issues, such as the fact that we have open borders, a lot of illegal people inside our country, an exploding crime rate, so the whole thing is something with which an interior minister should actually deal with something like that, I’ll say now, that a rollator putsch is being sought (white flash) “We have a former member of parliament there who was a judge for decades. The presumption of innocence applies here too. If it is confirmed that she participated there, then of course she will be expelled from the party. Another, another member of the Hesse state association, she was supposed to be the minister for card reading, a tarot card reader who reads the king’s cards. Their membership was of course canceled right at the weekend and then it’s … you’re dealing with a former AfD member. So two whole members. The presumption of innocence applies to everyone.” (White flash) “And I have to tell you quite honestly, with this whole dig that was organized here and with what finally came out of the hearing in the interior committee yesterday, it’s all so poor. If that doesn’t change in the next few days, we will call for a committee of inquiry to look at the whole thing, including with regard to abuse of office.”

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