Alessia Ambrosi and Georg Dornauer: Post-fascist loves social democrats

The right-wing Italian MP Alessia Ambrosi and the Tyrolean social democrat Georg Dornauer offensively come out as lovers. The two fit into the series of bizarre and interesting relationships that the Alpine state produces again and again.

What is a normal working day in Northern Europe, August 15th, that is called “Ferragosto” in the Catholic south, where people traditionally have the day off in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and flock to the sandy beaches. The Italian member of parliament Alessia Ambrosi chose this special day for a private and yet politically spicy announcement.

For weeks there have been rumors in the Austrian political scene that the chairman of the Tyrolean Social Democrats and deputy governor Georg Dornauer is having a fling with the politician of the post-fascist Fratelli d’Italia. They were already shown together at a tennis tournament, after all they confirmed the relationship to a local Italian newspaper with the words: “Two hearts united, two different parties.” Dornauer said to the “Kronen-Zeitung”: “Now it’s out there, if you will – and maybe it’s a good thing!” And then forbade any further reporting.

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