Against extremism: Tens of thousands of participants in a demonstration against the right in Frankfurt

Against extremism
Tens of thousands of participants in a demonstration against the right in Frankfurt

Numerous people gathered at Frankfurt’s Römer under the motto “Defend Democracy”. photo

© Boris Roessler/dpa

Tens of thousands of people are expected across Germany this weekend at demonstrations against the right and for democracy. In Frankfurt, the meeting place no longer offered enough space at the beginning.

Germany-wide will be on this day Tens of thousands of people are expected at demonstrations against the right and for democracy this weekend.

The nationwide protests were triggered by reports from the media company Correctiv about a previously unknown meeting between right-wing extremists and politicians from the AfD and CDU. The former head of the right-wing extremist Identitarian movement in Austria, Martin Sellner, said he spoke about “remigration” there. When right-wing extremists use the term, they usually mean that large numbers of people of foreign origin should leave the country – even under duress.



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