After Abi breakdown: Now there are new exam tasks – state politics – news

This should improve the legal certainty of tomorrow’s Abi exams. The troubled high school graduates can now go to the exams more relaxed, at least as far as this point is concerned.

Search for tasks on the Internet

Feller commented on the evening before WDR-Television on the rumor that Abitur assignments were already circulating on the Internet, partly because they were passed around between schools on USB sticks after the failed downloads. Your employees would constantly check the social networks, but so far no tasks have appeared on the Internet.

Why the downloads didn’t work at many schools at the beginning of the week is still being investigated, also in exchange with the responsible IT-Service provider. However, it could have been due to a new two-factor authentication, which has now been deactivated again as a precaution. Such security levels are intended to prevent unauthorized persons from gaining access to data. It also checks whether a video that was part of a task could have caused the download problems.

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