Actress: Katharina Thalbach plays Angela Merkel again

Katharina Thalbach plays Angela Merkel again

Katharina Thalbach couldn’t resist. Photo: Sebastian Kahnert/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

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Angela Merkel as a hobby detective in the style of Miss Marple – Katharina Thalbach couldn’t say no to that.

In the RTL production “Miss Merkel”, the actress Katharina Thalbach slips into the role of Angela Merkel for the second time – and according to her own words, she would not have expected it herself. “I actually thought I wouldn’t do that again, it was a one-time thing,” said the 68-year-old from the “Süddeutsche Zeitung”.

But the screenplay based on the novel by David Safier convinced her of the new film. “I was so surprised by this almost tender idea of ​​giving Angela Merkel such a nice job as a hobby detective, based on Miss Marple – I couldn’t say no.” She herself is a big fan of Miss Marple inventor Agatha Christie.

In 2013 Thalbach was already seen as chancellor – at that time still in office – in the satire “Der Minister”, which was based on the plagiarism scandal surrounding Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg. The actress said that political business should no longer play a role in the new film. “She has renounced politics and she’s sticking with it.” “Miss Merkel” will probably draw some comparisons to her previous life, and her husband Joachim Sauer and a bodyguard also reminded of the public person. “You know so little anyway, that’s why conjectures are so much fun.”

She herself has “a great deal of admiration” for Merkel, “even if I never voted for her. I always found it very remarkable how she fought her way through this male world of the CDU as a woman. » It is not yet known when the RTL production will be shown on television.


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