A7 and A215 further closed after accident with pig transporter | NDR.de – News

As of: 07/13/2022 4:23 p.m

A truck loaded with 600 pigs ended up in a ditch on the A7 near Neumünster this morning. The driver, his passenger and most of the animals were injured. The freeway is fully closed to the south until at least 6 p.m.

According to the police, the van came off the road at around 5.30 a.m. in Loop (Rendsburg Eckernförde district) near Neumünster. The 24-year-old driver and his 25-year-old passenger were taken to the hospital with minor injuries.

Pigs may need to be killed

The truck was loaded with live pigs. When the first officials arrived, some of the approximately 600 young animals were lying in the green strip, some of them seriously injured, the Neumünster motorway police reported. To prevent the pigs from running onto the street, the emergency services erected a temporary barrier. According to the police, the rescue could take several hours.

According to the officials, around a quarter of the pigs were not injured and can be transported onwards. The rest had to be euthanized by local veterinarians.

A7 and A215 closed – traffic jam

Due to the closures on the A7 and the A215, traffic is backed up for kilometers.

The Autobahn 7 had to be completely closed from Warder in the direction of Hamburg and the Autobahn 215 from Blumenthal in the direction of Hamburg. Traffic is diverted at the junctions. The oncoming lanes to the north are each freely passable. There are sometimes significant backlogs – in the meantime up to nine kilometers in length.

You can always find out what the roads in the country are like at the moment on the website of the NDR traffic studios.

Further information

View of the flowing traffic from a motorway bridge © picture-alliance/ dpa / Ronald Wittek Photo: Ronald Wittek

Traffic jams, construction sites, hazard warnings and obstructions on the roads – the current traffic situation in Schleswig-Holstein.

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NDR 1 Wave North | News for Schleswig-Holstein | 07/13/2022 | 7:30 a.m

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