A woman jokes about killed baby, an investigation opened in defense of terrorism

“The story of the baby who was put in the oven, I wonder if they put salt, pepper… If they put thyme? “, quips a young woman in a video posted on social networks, referring to the Hamas terrorist attack against Israel on October 7. Initially posted on Instagram and republished on X (formerly Twitter), the sequence was the subject of numerous reports on Pharos, the Government site for reporting illicit online content and behavior.

The Israeli Embassy in France condemned this Friday on

The Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, contacted the Paris public prosecutor, announced Europe 1 and BFMTV. An investigation was opened for condoning terrorism by the Paris prosecutor’s office. The author of the video has yet to be identified by the national center for the fight against online hatred.

During the October 7 terrorist attack perpetrated by Hamas on the Kibbutz of Kfar Aza, in the south of Israel, numerous testimonies spoke of decapitated and charred babies, without the number of these facts nor the figure of 40 babies largely relayed cannot be confirmed.

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