A student injured by a knife in his school

New stabbing attack in a school in Toulouse. According to the information provided by the rectorate, it took place this Tuesday around 10:30 a.m. Lamartine college, located in the Saint-Cyprien district. The victim, a 5th grade student, asked to go to the bathroom during PE class. When he returned, his teacher noticed that his t-shirt was stained with blood and immediately sent him to the infirmary.

The school nurse, noticing a knife wound, urgently contacted Samu. The student, “in relative emergency” according to the firefighters, was evacuated to the Purpan University Hospital and the police were alerted.

A listening cell deployed

Mostafa Fourar, the rector of Toulouse “strongly condemns this attack”. He dispatched the deputy academic director to the site “to provide the institution’s support to the entire Lamartine college school community”. “The rise in violence among young people, particularly in schools, must alert us collectively. We cannot tolerate the school becoming a place of insecurity when it should be the place of knowledge and living together,” reacted Sébastien Vincini, the president of the Haute-Garonne Departmental Council.

Alongside the police investigation, a disciplinary procedure was initiated by the establishment against the alleged perpetrator of the attack, “a 3rd grade student”, specifies the rectorate.

A listening cell was deployed in the establishment on Tuesday afternoon.

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