A storm that doesn’t want to stop – knowledge

Cyclone “Freddy” is probably the longest-lasting tropical storm since records began. Such extreme events show that the limits of adaptation to the climate crisis have long been reached in many places.

The storm just wouldn’t stop. The cyclone was already raging at the end of February freddy over Madagascar, then over Mozambique before disappearing towards the Indian Ocean. But on March 11, he returned with force, now he raged in Malawi. According to the authorities, at least 326 people have died there alone since then. Overall, the tropical storm is likely to have claimed more than 400 lives in southern Africa, and an estimated 200,000 people lost their homes. According to the World Weather Organization (WMO), Freddy, which broke up a few days ago, may have been the longest-lasting cyclone since weather records began.

The images of the devastation caused by the cyclone will also resonate when the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) presents its new synthesis report next Monday. This explains what is known about global warming, its consequences and possible adaptation strategies, based on three individual reports that have already been published on the physical principles of climate change, its consequences and counter-strategies.

In a frightening way, tropical storms underscore how freddy the statements of the scientists. Such extreme weather events are not only becoming more likely as a result of global warming. They’re also more destructive, as rising temperatures lead to greater amounts of rain (that’s what climatologists found for last year’s tropical storm, for example). Batsirai demonstrated, similar mechanisms are also expected in the case of freddy). And poorer countries in particular have hardly any opportunities to arm themselves against these forces of nature. The limits of adaptation have already been reached in many places.

While the consequences of global warming are now becoming increasingly visible, their causes – the increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere – have been known for some time. And with it the solution: These emissions must be reduced, the burning of fossil raw materials must be stopped.

But that’s exactly where the problem lies: This is exactly how Germany met its climate targets for 2022, and emissions in the transport and building sectors have even increased. In any case, the current pace of German climate protection is not compatible with the 1.5-degree target. Instead of adopting effective measures, German Transport Minister Volker Wissing prefers to block the already negotiated end of the internal combustion engine at EU level. The whole of European climate policy now seems to be shaking, comments Brussels correspondent Josef Kelnberger (SZ Plus). And the question of how energy can be saved in buildings was also a hot topic in the European Parliament this week. There was talk of “forced rehabilitation”, “eco-dictatorship” and an attack on grandma’s house (SZ Plus). There is great potential for climate protection in single-family houses and semi-detached houses, of which there are millions in Germany, explains feature editor Gerhard Matzig (SZ Plus).

(This text is from the weekly Newsletter climate friday you here for free can order.)

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