A stele in memory of Pierre Mendès France tagged

The black series continues. A stele in memory of Pierre Mendès France, resistance fighter during the Second World War and then minister, was tagged in Marseille. An act denounced on Sunday as anti-Semitic by the grandson of the former head of government.

On the stele “beach promenade Pierre Mendès France, statesman 1907-1982”, the word “man” was scratched out and the word “dog” traced above in white paint, noted Sunday at mid -day an AFP journalist. On the social network informs me of this act of vandalism on a plaque bearing my grandfather’s name in Marseille. Given the atmosphere, there is little doubt about its anti-Semitic character. »

In response to this post, the various left-wing mayor of France’s second city, Benoît Payan, “condemned with the greatest firmness all anti-Semitic acts, whether in Marseille or elsewhere.” “The city services are mobilized and I am contacting the Public Prosecutor. You have our full support,” he added, still on the same social network.

Outbreaks of anti-Semitic acts

As a reminder, the first three months of the year saw an outbreak of anti-Semitic acts in France (including two days ago in Marseille) against the backdrop of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with an increase of +300% (to 366 recorded ), according to Prime Minister Gabriel Attal. Just on Wednesday, an investigation was opened by the Paris prosecutor’s office after red hands were spray-painted on the “Wall of the Righteous” outside the Holocaust memorial in the capital.

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