A poll sees Marine Le Pen at more than 30% in the first round, far ahead of Edouard Philippe

A little less than four years before the election, nothing is decided, but the current trend will reinforce the National Rally in its strategic choices. A poll indeed sees Marine Le Pen above 30% in 2027, in the first round of the presidential election.

If this took place on Sunday, the president of the RN group in the National Assembly would even be ahead of former Prime Minister Edouard Philippe who remains the best candidate of the majority, indicates an Ifop-Fiducial survey published Monday on the website of the Figaro.

Darmanin wins five points

The far-right candidate would obtain 31% of the votes against Edouard Philippe, and would even reach 33% if the candidate of the presidential majority was the current Minister of Education Gabriel Attal or that of the Interior Gérald Darmanin, specifies the survey carried out for Le Figaro And South Radio from October 24 to 25 with a sample of 1,084 people, with a margin of error of 1.4 and 3.1 points.

Within the majority, the former head of government would be best placed with 26% of voting intentions, one point less compared to the previous poll at the end of March, ahead of Gabriel Attal (19%) tested for the first times in the survey, then Bruno Le Maire (18%, unchanged) and Gérald Darmanin (16%) who gained 5 points compared to March.

Mélenchon dominates on the left

On the left, the rebellious Jean-Luc Mélenchon would be best placed with between 14% and 15%, or between 3 and 5 points less than in March depending on the majority candidate. The communist Fabien Roussel would be between 6 and 7% and would surpass François Ruffin (7.5% against 7%) if the latter were the LFI candidate.

The socialist Olivier Faure would be around 5%, just like LR Laurent Wauquiez, who would almost in all cases be overtaken by Eric Zemmour (6 to 7.5% of the votes).

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