A medical examination of Alain Delon was carried out at his home in the presence of Anouchka

How is Alain Delon? To try to answer this question which is tearing his family apart, an assessment of his state of health was carried out on Saturday, the lawyers of the actor and his son Anthony said on Monday, disagreeing however on the conclusions to be drawn from it.

According to these lawyers, this expertise was carried out in the property of the 88-year-old actor, in Douchy, in Loiret, which the Montargis public prosecutor’s office did not confirm.

Two versions clash

For Me Christophe Ayela, who claims to represent Alain Delon, which part of the family disputes, and previously represented his daughter Anouchka, the expertise proves that the actor’s discernment is “in no way abolished”.

On the contrary, Me Laurence Bedossa, Anthony’s lawyer, who also claimed to defend his father, which is also contested, criticizes his regularity. “We can ask ourselves the question of this expertise carried out by a general practitioner who does not appear to be an expert before the Orléans Court of Appeal, the jurisdiction on which the Montargis court depends,” she argued. Furthermore, this expertise was carried out “in the presence of Anouchka Delon, a process not consistent with the regularity of an expertise where the doctor must be alone with the person concerned,” she insisted.

A stroke in 2019

These criticisms only aim to “fuel the controversy”, said Mr. Ayela indignantly in his own press release. Alain Delon “wished that only Ms. Anouchka Delon attend this examination, which his two brothers accepted without showing the slightest opposition,” he wrote. “During this visit, Mr. Alain Delon answered the questions of the medical expert thus confirming that his discernment is in no way abolished, contrary to the slanderous accusations of which he is the subject in the media,” he continued. .

On Thursday, the public prosecutor in Montargis announced that he had contacted “an authorized doctor […] in order to assess the situation of Alain Delon”, specifying that this procedure would not be the subject of “any other communication”. The Delon siblings explode over the state of health of their father, weakened since a stroke in 2019.

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