A manifesto for “the public authorities to take the measure of the housing crisis” in Paris

A cry of alarm on the crisis of poor housing, in Ile-de-France. Three associations publish a manifesto asking for more ambitious social housing production targets. The Abbé-Pierre Foundation, the Ile-de-France Association of Social Housing Organizations (AORIF) and the Ile-de-France Association for Promoting Integration through Housing (AFFIL) are challenging the public authorities on the issue. The Ile-de-France region has 1.3 million poorly housed people, including 140,000 homeless. A record number. “The public authorities must take the measure of the housing crisis”, believe these three actors.

“What motivated the writing of this manifesto is knowing that the National Stone Aid Fund (FNAP) has set a target of 25,000 social housing units built for the year 2023”, says Damien Vanoverschelde, President of the AORIF. A production target down 24% compared to 2022.

“A few dark years ahead of us”

In Ile-de-France, 780,000 households are registered in the files of applicants for social housing. “In five years, we have 100,000 additional requests. That is half of the population growth in the region, explains Pascal Van Laethem, president of AFFIL. We are barely able to fill the demographic gap, while the need is enormous. Today, only one in ten requests is satisfied.

For these three housing players, there is only one possible solution: the construction of new housing. “When you can’t achieve the objectives set, you need more resources and levers for action,” says the president of AORIF. And not lower the objectives. »

In recent years, the production of social housing has been declining. “The year 2022 was a bad year in this regard,” says the president of AORIF. According to the regional and interdepartmental management of Accommodation and Housing (Drihl) Île-de-France, only 21,805 homes have been built. “We are far from the figures for the period between 2013 and 2019, when nearly 30,000 amenities were built each year”, continues the latter. Estimating that it would be necessary to build at least 37,000 dwellings per year to be able to meet demand, the associations fear “that we have a few dark years ahead of us”.

“Reaffirm an ambitious annual objective”

In their manifesto, the three actors set out the conditions they consider necessary to be able to reduce poor housing. For them, the decision-makers of the master plan for the Île-de-France Environmental region (Sdrif-E) and the regional plan for housing and accommodation (SRHH) “must reaffirm an ambitious annual objective, between 32,000 and 37,000 social housing built per year”. This must be accompanied by “a mobilization of the Ile-de-France public authorities to support integration through housing”, as well as “priority access to buildings and financial support”.

“We are often struck by the accuracy of the diagnosis [sur l’état du mal-logement]. But behind, we are disappointed when we see the proposals for action, regrets the director of the Ile-de-France agency of the Abbé-Pierre Foundation, Eric Constantin. There is a real gap between talk and what is done. This denier sees no other solution to this crisis than a real involvement of the State. This could in particular translate into “30% of housing in station neighborhoods [des projets immobiliers autour des nouvelles gares du Grand Paris] reserved for social housing. A request already made to the regional prefect, which has so far remained unanswered.

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