Fico attack: experts criticize security concept |

As of: May 17, 2024 9:24 a.m

Could the assassination attempt on Fico have been prevented? Experts in Slovakia are clearly criticizing the security precautions at the site of the attack. The head of government’s condition remains serious.

In Slovakia, after the assassination attempt on Prime Minister Robert Fico, there is also discussion about possible failures in security measures in the small town of Handlova. The shooting occurred there after a cabinet meeting when Fico wanted to shake hands with supporters gathered at a fence.

The authorities are checking whether his bodyguards did not adequately protect the head of government. Several experts criticized the security precautions on site or even spoke of a failure. Some media outlets are also raising the question of how a video of the alleged attacker, which was apparently recorded at a police station – possibly even by an officer – could reach the public.

Not out of danger yet

According to President-elect Peter Pellegrini, the politician’s condition remains very serious. A quick recovery is obviously not expected. The 59-year-old remains in the intensive care unit of the University Hospital in Banska Bystrica after a five-hour operation. The doctors must now decide on how to proceed, such as a transfer to the capital Bratislava, said clinic director Miriam Lapunikova to the newspaper “Dennik N”. The relevant committee is expected to meet on Monday.

According to Defense Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Robert Kalinak, Fico was hit by four bullets and the injuries were very serious. “The doctors managed to stabilize the condition,” said Kalinak. But Fico is not yet out of danger. Lapunikova warned that the effects of the gunshot wounds could make recovery difficult. An experienced surgeon who is not part of the treatment team told “Dennik N” that the next three to four days are likely to be crucial.

Get well wishes by Orban

According to his Hungarian colleague Viktor Orban, Fico hovers between life and death. “We wish him a speedy recovery and return to work,” Orban told public radio. Even if Fico recovered, he would not be able to work in a difficult time before the European elections at the beginning of June.

“We are facing an election that not only decides who will be members of the European Parliament, but, together with the election in the USA, can determine the course of war and peace in Europe,” said Orban. “In this situation we urgently needed Robert Fico and a Slovakia that is for peace.”

Is the government in danger of falling?

If Fico resigns for health reasons, the entire government would automatically collapse in accordance with the Slovak constitution. The fathers of the Basic Law do not seem to have taken into account the fact that a Prime Minister cannot continue his official duties because of an assassination attempt.

As long as Fico takes a break until he fully recovers, his deputies will continue to run the government – with Kalinak first in line.

Act of a loner

The government, meanwhile, provided details about the perpetrator, who was arrested immediately after the attack. Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok said it was a “lone wolf” who did not belong to any political group. The suspect is neither a member of a right-wing extremist nor a left-wing radical party. Nevertheless, the act was politically motivated. The man cited dissatisfaction with several of Fico’s decisions as a motivation, Estok said.

The attack was also triggered by the presidential election in the spring, from which Pellegrini – a follower of Fico – emerged as the winner. The arrested man also recently took part in a demonstration critical of the government. According to media reports, the 71-year-old worked as a security guard in a shopping center in the southwest of the country. Criminal proceedings were initiated against him for an attempted assassination of the Prime Minister.

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