a man shot dead in the center of Cazères

Criminal identification investigators from the Haute-Garonne gendarmerie. – FRED SCHEIBER / 20 MINUTES

When they arrived on site, shortly before 6 p.m., the Haute-Garonne firefighters could do nothing to save the victim. A man died on Tuesday, shot dead, while he was in the heart of the small town of
Saint Michel, located in the south of the department, not far from Cazères, and populated by less than 350 inhabitants.

The gendarmes immediately went there. And according to the first elements of the investigation collected by 20 minutes, the trail of suicide would be ruled out. The man, in his forties according to The Dispatch, would therefore have been killed by a third person, who was on the run. At the beginning of the evening, the public prosecutor of Saint-Gaudens was going on site.

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