A man convicted of organized crime who escaped from prison in 2021 has just been arrested

A 28-year-old man, convicted of acts of organized crime and on the run for more than two years, was arrested Tuesday in Isère, by the “fugitive brigade of the Rhône departmental security”, indicated the Vienna prosecutor’s office. This man fled in September 2021 from a prison in Roanne.

“He was referred [mercredi] and incarcerated,” said prosecutor Audrey Quey, without giving details of what made it possible to find him. Born in Isère, the accused was placed in detention at the Saint-Quentin-Fallavier penitentiary center.

Sentenced to twenty-five years of criminal imprisonment in 2022

The arrest took place after more than a month of “technical and physical investigations”, said a police source. The fugitive had, according to this source, been the subject of two convictions after his escape.

In March 2022, he was sentenced in his absence to twenty-five years of criminal imprisonment by the Ardèche juvenile court. According to the radio France Bluehe had participated in the assault and kidnapping in 2018 of a business manager, with a gang in which there was a minor.

In the summer of 2022, he was also sentenced in his absence by the Vienna court to four years of imprisonment for “theft with violence, criminal conspiracy and complicity in the circulation of counterfeit money”, according to prosecutor Audrey Quey. “He opposed this judgment,” added the magistrate.

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