A conference on Palestine with Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Rima Hassan makes the right jump

Even before taking place, a conference planned for Thursday in Lille brought out various right-wing and far-right northern personalities. Organized at the University of Lille 3 by a student association, this conference will discuss the burning subject of Palestine with Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Rima Hassan, two figures of France Insoumise (LFI).

“On the program, presentation of the book Do Better and debate on Palestinian news,” explains the “Libre Palestine” association, organizer of the event. This association, created last November, presents itself as “dedicated to raising awareness and solidarity action within the University of Lille in support of the Palestinians”. His conference on Thursday is to be held in a university amphitheater, loaned for the occasion.

Republicans, Renaissance, RN

It is this last point, and others, which made the regional right and extreme right jump. Starting with the UNI student union, followed by Xavier Bertrand, president of the region, Violette Spillebout, Renaissance du Nord MP, or even Sébastien ChenuRN deputy from the North.

“It is not with those who represent the most violent anti-Semitism and the desire to destroy Israel that the debates will progress towards peace,” protests “X” MP Renaissance. “We cannot tolerate, in a French university, such a conference of rebellious France”, adds Xavier Bertrand on the same platform. In a press release, the UNI denounces a conference which “will be an opportunity to hold a political meeting against Israel”.

“It’s you who are confusing the public debate”

Besides the “political meeting” aspect in a public university, it is the logo of the association that is disturbing. A logo which “denies the existence of Israel”, insists Xavier Bertrand. Which demands, like the Renaissance MP, the RN MP and the UNI, “the cancellation of this conference”.

As we write these lines, the conference is going ahead. For his part, the rebellious deputy Ugo Bernalicis wonders: “Weird to see Xavier Bertrand follow in the footsteps of the reactionary right”, he writes on “X”, affirming that the University of Lille “validated” the conference and its visual. “By calling your political adversaries anti-Semites who are not in the least bit, it is you who are confusing the public debate and weakening the fight against racism and anti-Semitism,” retorts the LFI MP. Adrien Quatennens to a Violette Spillebout whom he considers “so worthless basically”. Atmosphere, it promises for the Europeans.

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