A city displays a map of France on feminicides

No, it wasn’t the weather! For around three weeks, the inhabitants of Schiltigheim, a town bordering Strasbourg, and people passing through were entitled to three rather special maps of France. On the city’s billboards and under bus stops were represented… domestic violence and attacks (sometimes fatal) against women.

“On the first, there were figures by city on the number of feminicides in 2022 and I used them to make forecasts,” explains Camille Navails, graphic designer and communications manager at the town hall of this city located next door. from Strasbourg. “I relied on the figures from a collective, “Feminicides by partner or ex”. For the other two maps, I used data from the Ministry of the Interior. First to materialize sexual assaults, then for domestic violence, each time per 1,000 inhabitants. »

“A freezing year for women”

Results, three maps which very closely resemble weather forecasts. “This is what I wanted because it speaks to everyone about a theme that is often taboo,” continues the woman who “activates a lot in [sa] private life for this cause. And for those who did not understand the message, three slogans were clearly indicated: “A frosty year for women”, “Stormy weather in the home” and “Violence alert throughout the country”.

“We are very proud of this communication campaign,” explains the councilor responsible for the fight against discrimination and violence against humanity in the city, Corine Dulaurent Simper. “We are in the same vein as last year”, when posters with shocking phrases and statistics were printed. In 2001, messages were printed on bread bags.

And next year? A bit of patience. A new poster campaign has just replaced the previous one in Schiltigheim. Dedicated to Christmas celebrations. “It’s more festive,” smiles Camille Navails.

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