Female narcissism: what characterizes the vulnerable narcissist

Narcissists are often said to have a penchant for megalomania. However, there is also a form of narcissistic personality disorder that is not so easy to recognize: vulnerable narcissism. The Viennese psychotherapist Philipp Lioznov explains in an interview with the star, how to recognize it – and what helps.

Narcissism is a diagnosis we like to insinuate on difficult people these days. Are we correct?

Philip Lioznov: Not necessarily. Narcissism in itself is not a bad thing. First and foremost, it is simply about ego or self-worth. Each of us has more or less pronounced narcissistic parts in us. The whole thing only has disease value in the form of a narcissistic personality disorder.

Are they then also the narcissists who manipulate and use other people without regard to the consequences?

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