“907 times Camille” confides in the novelist Julien Dufresne-Lamy who listens and writes it

Ju reads the Words, blogger and contributor
of the group reading
20 minutes Books, recommend you 907 times Camille of
Julien Dufresne-Lamy, published on August 26, 2021 in
Plon editions.

Her favorite quote:

“There are two kinds of memories that make us. The memories that we tell to ourselves, entrenched, regardless of life and dramas, and those that others tell for our intentions such as tales, little old fables that all describe, embellish, sometimes distort, to screw in us, implacable lag bolts. “

Why this book?

  • Because after discovering the author’s pen with My father, my mother, my earthquakes, which I had particularly liked, I was impatient and curious to discover 907 times Camille. The title intrigued me and once the book closed, it made sense.
  • Because Julien Dufresne-Lamy, offers a much more intimate novel, taking as main character Camille, a friend, whose life he evokes, the way in which she was able to build herself as a woman, by having a father who exploited them , Dodo la Brine, highlighted during the DSK affair, pimp, owner of several brothels in Belgium. Even if this father is a common thread, the author writes for Camille, on Camille, but also on the women of this family who had to deal with the presence of a man like him.
  • Because the author pays a nice tribute to women in general, parent-child relationships by relying, through a few lines, on their own history.
  • Because the alternation of chapters gives a dynamic rhythm between memories of Camille, of his adolescence, but also of his adult life and those where the author reveals his relationship to writing, his observations and his relationship with Camille .
  • Because I rediscovered the sensitivity of Julien Dufresne-Lamy’s pen, what I particularly appreciated, it is the intimacy which settles between the reader and the author.
  • Because it is a book all in confidence, in sensitivity, who does not fall into self-pity, on what could have been “poor Camille”. He puts the words on what she dares not say, or even think. The passage from the status of a child with Camille’s place as a girl, to that of a woman and a mother is finely approached, with the necessary distance throughout the story.
  • Because it is a therapy book, offered by a friend who gives the floor, listen to the silences and observe the gestures, the body that speaks. It’s all in the details, but nothing is too much. It is finely written, finely observed.

The essentials in 2 minutes

The plot. This is the true story of Camille, daughter of. Not an actor or a singer, but the notorious pimp Dodo la Brine. Since childhood, Camille has coped with the absence of this father occupied by his brothels and his trips to prison.

Characters. Camille, daughter of Dodo la Saumure, pimp, owner of several brothels in Belgium. Marie who left her father, her maternal grandmother, Antoinette, in awe of her son, her half-sisters Diane and Daphné. Thomas, Camille’s husband, benevolent and solid. And the author …

Places. Paris, Belgium, Brittany, brothels. A sum of places imprinted with Camille.

The time. Current.

The author. Julien Dufresne-Lamy, born in 1987, of which this is the 6th novel. For Pretty Pretty Monsters (Belfond, 2019), he was awarded the Grand Prix des Blogueurs. He is also a children’s author.

This book was read with the pleasure of rediscovering the pen of Julien Dufresne-Lamy, a fine psychologist of the human soul, observer of life in general, but above all a talented author who gives pride of place to all these different, enriching lives, with unfeigned modesty , he disappears to bring them to light.

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