77 war refugees from the Ukraine reach Schönbrunn – Dachau


Jessica Schober, Röhrmoos

It is early afternoon when the bus doors open in the parking lot in front of the sports hall in Schönbrunn. “Servus – Privet,” calls a man in a jogging suit with blue and yellow decorative seams on the sleeves as a greeting. The Ukrainian flag shines in the sunlight behind the front windows of the two coaches that have just brought 77 people to the Dachau hinterland. Exhausted faces, straggly hair, children dressed in warm winter jackets, plastic bags and white hard-shell suitcases spill out of the buses. There is also a dog. The pug Judzhin, he too made it here from the war. They all held out for a long time, it took them almost 24 hours to travel from Uzhgorod in the Ukraine to Schönbrunn, and the bus was stuck in traffic at the Ukrainian border for eight hours alone. 28 children are on board. A boy with a blue knitted hat hops down the last step of the bus. Landed, safe. Refugees from the Ukraine arrived in the district again on Wednesday and are now putting their tired feet on Dachau soil for the first time.

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