755 refugees irregularly cross the English Channel in one day

Status: 08/11/2023 5:20 p.m

In one day, 755 migrants attempted to cross the English Channel illegally into Britain in boats – more than at any time this year.

More than 750 boat people were registered in the UK on Thursday – the highest number since the beginning of the year. According to the British Home Office, 755 people were counted who crossed the English Channel in a total of 14 small boats.

According to the AFP news agency, the 100,000 mark was exceeded: since 2018, a total of 100,715 people have used the English Channel to enter Great Britain illegally.

British government tightened Aysl and migration law

Despite the Brexit promises that the British government wants to regain control of its borders, the number of irregular migrants has risen steadily in recent years. A record 45,000 people were reported last year. This year there are 15,826 since the beginning of the year.

The conservative government around Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is therefore trying vehemently to stop illegal migration. In July, a law came into force banning migrants who entered the country illegally from even applying for asylum. Just this week, Sunak threatened lawyers with life imprisonment if they helped migrants falsify asylum applications.

The sea route from France to Great Britain is considered dangerous. Deadly accidents happen again and again in the English Channel. France and Great Britain signed a comprehensive agreement last year to prevent migrants from crossing the English Channel. Among other things, this provides for drones, sniffer dogs and additional staff for stricter border controls.

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