“6 months in prison”: Amandine Pellissard sentenced, she goes back to trial – Objeko.com

Always dressed to the nines, Amandine Pellissard wants to shout her truth with the haters. No, his life has not been easy!

SOS Amandine Pellissard in distress!

The video above is proof of that. The show Large families succeeded in his mission. Since the end of the first confinement, viewers have loved discovering the colorful daily life of all these tribes. And when that’s not enough, they head to social media to get crisp details. On behalf of Amandine Pellissardthere was everything. Objeko knows how much his favorites or his legendary anger regularly make the headlines. Converted into product placement, she seems more fulfilled than ever!

Amandine Pellissard has come a long way. A victim of abuse, she would never have imagined how much life had in store for her. Even if she scolded her husband from time to time, her meeting with Alexandre was the starting point of her fairy tale. Behind the scenes, she leads her tribe with a wand. The proof, in this article, Objeko told you about the logistics for birthdays and end-of-year celebrations. When you have so many mouths to feed and pamper, there are no small savings! After scanning the catalogs and promotions of food giants, shopping feels like an expedition. Always organized, she recognizes that it has it was not easy to make ends meet.

When Amandine Pellissard’s past comes to the surface…

Screenshot (c) Instagram (c) jordandeluxe

This is not the first time that Amandine Pellissard has accepted Jordan de Luxe’s ​​invitation. We remember this episode where she had come to discuss and denounce a terrible postal harassment. After weeks of panic and a move, she finally seems to have found a smile. On the other hand, when she approaches this umpteenth painful passage of his existence, the sequins disappear and the tears rise. Dear reader ofObjekohang on since, this story should make you switch your opinion on it.

Pregnant with her sixth baby, she is going through hell. Because of his infernal pain, the doctor stops him and Alexandre has just been fired. This time, no question of improvising, they are ruined. ” We find ourselves a bit taken by the throat with no income at all for several weeks. In a small voice, she admits having been forced to head to the dark side. ” I found no other solution at the time than to steal food from a store for my children. »

It makes sparks!

Screenshot (c) Instagram (c) jordandeluxe

Since her strategy works, Amandine Pellissard abuses it until that famous day when the police end up catching her in the act. Let us be reassured, the sum of his food thefts did not cross the fateful bar of 200 euros. Not having the financial resources to pay for a lawyer, she tries to defend herself with the means at hand. And as a misfortune never comes alone, she gives birth on the day of the verdict. Even if it was not voluntary, she remains convinced that this absence ” didn’t work in my favor. “After condemning him to” six months firm“, a new judicial appointment should be held soon.

If she had to make a difference with before, Amandine Pellissard would say that she literally changed her attitude. ” Now I have a lawyer. I am a mother, I work and am an entrepreneur. » Aware that “for sentences of less than a year in prison, they have adjustments“, she clings tooth and nail to this argument. However, we can count on her or her loved ones to never repeat such stupidity. Since then, she has posed everything flat, questioned herself. It is clear that everything smiles on him. Hope it lasts !

Thank you to our colleagues from Télé-Loisirs / Jordan de Luxe

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