4th dose of vaccine not urgent for general population, says Prof Lina

Appeared in 2020 on French soil, the Covid-19 is still not ancient history two years later. From now on, we have to live with it, without forgetting to protect ourselves. The 4th booster dose of the coronavirus vaccine has been open since July 20 for people at risk and exposed audiences, such as caregivers, but its extension to the entire population does not seem to be on the menu, for the moment. .

For the professor of virology at the Lyon University Hospital and member of the former Scientific Council, Bruno Lina, interviewed by RTL Monday, “there is no rush to vaccinate everyone. We are not going to run behind a permanent vaccination, we are going to try to live with the virus”, even if he believes that “the most fragile will have to be vaccinated”.

And if the epidemic is not over, and that we “expose ourselves to the fact that there are still epidemic waves on a regular basis”, “what we can observe is the decrease importance of the Omicron virus and BA-5”, he adds. However, “I don’t know if we can say that the coronavirus will become a commonplace disease,” said the professor.

This declaration falls on the official day of the end of the exceptional legal frameworks – state of emergency, management of the health crisis – which had been decided in the face of the pandemic.

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