“The Voice”: to everyone’s surprise, just a few hours after winning his place in the final, this candidate slams the door

Saturday May 18 took place the semi-final of The Voice. The four coaches each presented two talents who competed in order to earn their place in the final. During this exceptional evening, four emblematic personalities of the show were also invited to vote for the candidatesin addition to the audience present on the set.

Thus, Jérémy Frérot, Aurélien Vivos, Abi and Anne Sila, were each entitled to 5% of votes and the public 80%. The coaches of the show didn’t have a say in the choice of candidates for the final. This crucial stage was not easy for Mika, Zazie, Vianney and Bigflo and Oli.

A semi-final marked by emotion in The Voice

The duels between semi-finalists were very close. Thus, Odem and Baptiste Sartoria finished almost tied. But the 22-year-old from Cannes moved the audience by expressing his doubts during rehearsals. The singer was very afraid of not being up to par and ended in tears in front of his coach Vianney.

Zazie saw her two talents Lize and Alphonse compete. At the end of a great suspenseit is finally the youngest of the show which was chosen by the public. In Mika’s team, Gabriel Lobao qualified. Finally, among Bigflo and Oli, it was Adnaé who won the votes against Iris.

The shock announcement of the finalist of Bigflo and Oli

To everyone’s surprise, the finalist of Bigflo and Oli’s team announced that she was withdrawing from The Voice. However, the young woman dazzled viewers with her touching interpretations and her skin sensitivity.

It is by the through his Instagram account that Adnaé announced the news to her community. “I had an exceptional semi-final, savoring every moment, but now, if I’m writing you this message, it’s to tell you that The Voice adventure ends now for me. » she announced to her fans.

Adnaé announces big news to her admirers

If the young woman made the decision to drop out of contestit’s becauseanother major project will occupy him in the weeks to come. Indeed, Adnaé announced to her admirers that she was expecting a happy event !

“I am withdrawing from the adventure to experience a completely different one which promises to be magnificent: the arrival of my little one. We proudly made the adventure together and I am grateful for it. » indicated the young artist. It must be said that the semi-final of The Voice was recorded several weeks ago, at a time when Adnaé’s pregnancy was not yet very advanced.

Who to replace Adnaé in the final of The Voice ?

The future mother, residing in Mozambique, cannot move easily. She therefore preferred to leave her place in the final. Who will replace Adnaé to represent Bigflo and Oli’s team? If production has not yet spokenit is likely that Iris, eliminated in the semi-final, will be on stage next week.

Which artist will succeed Aurélien Vivos this season? And which coach will win the trophy after Zazie last year? Bigflo and Oli, as well as Vianney, not having never won the show, fingers crossed. We will also have to count on Camille Lellouche, who will enter the competition with Shanys, the candidate she chose during the parallel competition. The bets are open !

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