30,000 people at a demonstration against right-wing extremism in Hamburg | NDR.de – News

As of: January 19, 2024 4:30 p.m

More than 30,000 people are currently demonstrating on the Jungfernstieg under the motto “Hamburg stands up – against right-wing extremism and neo-Nazi networks”.

The number continues to increase, the police said. The organizers spoke of 35,000 participants. At the beginning of the rally, Hamburg’s mayor Peter Tschentscher (SPD) also spoke to the demonstrators on a stage in front of the Europa Passage. Tschentscher said: “They want to turn back time to a time of hate and violence. That’s why we’re saying loud and clear today: Never again!” Many demonstrators had signs with them that said things like “colorful troops instead of brown soup” or “never again is now.” In addition to other speakers, the bands Meute and Kettcar as well as the musician Stefan Gwildis should also be on stage.

Access to the Binnenalster is closed – many trains are overcrowded

Because many families with children are expected to attend the demonstration, a family zone has been set up on Ballindamm. It begins at the Alstertor and extends to the Kunsthalle. Because of the expected crowds, the police closed the access roads around the Inner Alster in the afternoon. Before the demonstration began, many subways and S-Bahn trains heading towards the city center were overcrowded.

A broad alliance called for a demonstration

In addition to the organizers – the Entrepreneurs Without Borders association, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Northern Germany and the DGB Hamburg – a broad alliance of trade unions, religious communities, cultural workers, business associations and clubs called for the demonstration. A lot of support also came from politics. The SPD parliamentary group called on all Hamburg residents to take part in the demonstration – as did the Greens and the Left.

Support also from honorary citizens of Hamburg

Celebrities such as Hamburg honorary citizens Udo Lindenberg and John Neumeier also supported the demo. Also the President of FC St. Pauli, Oke Göttlich, as well as representatives of the Hamburg Sports Association. FC St. Pauli, the HSV Supporters Club and several amateur clubs had also called for demonstrations against right-wing agitation. Karin Beier, director of the Deutsches Schauspielhaus, is also one of the supporters: “Right-wing radical ideas are becoming more and more shameless in our society. This situation is actually dangerous and we have to stand up and rebel against it, now and everyone,” she told NDR 90, 3.

Co-organizer Abaci: “Democracy is in danger”

Co-organizer of the rally is Kazim Abaci, board member of the Entrepreneurs Without Borders association and SPD politician: “Our parliamentary democracy is in danger. It is high time that the middle of our society finally wakes up and stands up,” he said.

The demo was originally supposed to take place on the town hall market

The rally was originally supposed to take place at the nearby town hall market. But the AfD parliamentary group announced a parliamentary group meeting in the Hamburg parliament at short notice for Friday. According to the citizens, the meeting in the town hall brings into effect the Hamburg ban district law, which prohibits meetings and demonstrations within a radius of 350 meters from parliament. The organizers of the rally said that this attack by the AfD was not surprising: “The AfD is exploiting democratic instruments to undermine basic rights. It shows once again that it despises democracy.”


3 mins

A demo in Hamburg is being moved from the town hall market to the Jungfernstieg because the AfD has called a meeting in the town hall. 3 mins

AfD rejects allegations

The AfD rejected this. “Just as the demonstrators have the right to assemble, our MPs, freely elected by the people, also have the right to assemble as a group at any time to prepare and discuss their parliamentary work,” Parliamentary Secretary Krzysztof Walczak said on Thursday . The AfD is not interested in restricting freedom of assembly. In the event of a collision between the two assemblies, the law clearly stipulates that parliament has priority over the street.

Protests after meetings between AfD politicians and right-wing extremists

After a meeting of right-wing extremists with politicians from the AfD and CDU in a Potsdam villa, about this first The research network “Correctiv” reported that thousands of people nationwide have already protested against plans to denaturalize people with a migration background.

Further information

the flag of the HSV Supporters Club and a flag of FC St. Pauli against the right.  © picture alliance Photo: Eibner press photo, press photo ULMER/Bjoern Hake

Supporters of both clubs want to take part in the “Hamburg stands up” rally today. Many other North German clubs launched similar calls. more

Anita Lasker-Wallfisch (2019) © picture alliance/dpa Photo: Wolfgang Kumm

Survivors of the Holocaust have been warning for years about a resurgence of right-wing extremist tendencies such as those now caused by the AfD. more

Aster Oberreit from the We ARE eV association in Hamburg.  © We ARE eV

Aster Oberreit from Hamburg is frightened by so-called remigration plans from right-wing extremists. She hopes that society doesn’t just react to outrage. more

A crowd of people gathered on Schwerin's market square to demonstrate against right-wing extremism.  © Milad Kuhpai / NDR

Thousands are currently demonstrating against the AfD and a well-known plan for “remigration”. What drives the people who take to the streets against it? more

Interior Senator Andy Grote (SPD) speaks at a meeting of the Hamburg citizenship in the town hall.  © Georg Wendt/dpa

MPs from the SPD, the Greens and the Left called for a ban on the AfD to be examined. Interior Senator Grote expressed skepticism. (01/17/2024) more

Protesters in front of the AfD headquarters in Hamburg.  © NDR Photo: Kai Salander

After a secret meeting of right-wing extremists with AfD participation, the protest is growing. In Hamburg there was a demonstration in front of the AfD party headquarters. (01/13/2024) more

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NDR 90.3 | NDR 90.3 Current | 01/19/2024 | 4:00 p.m

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