3 foods that become toxic when reheated

No matter how tempting it may be to quickly heat up leftovers from the weekend in the microwave or in a pot, some foods release toxins that can lead to gastrointestinal problems and even be carcinogenic.

1. Poultry

Reheating roast chicken can destroy the protein structure in already-cooked meat and lead to gastrointestinal upset such as nausea and vomiting. In addition, salmonella multiplies if chicken is left at room temperature for a longer period of time; this is why it is extremely important to put poultry in the refrigerator immediately after they have cooled and then to reheat them properly afterwards. Otherwise, in the worst case, it can lead to salmonella poisoning.

Our tip:

  • Do not reheat chicken in the microwave, always reheat as it was cooked – making sure it is heated evenly and not just lying lukewarm on the plate

2. Eggs

Eggs also pose a risk of salmonella, so hard-boiled, fried, or scrambled eggs should never be reheated. Even if the rumor persists that hard-boiled eggs can be heated in the microwave: the electromagnetic waves cause the water molecules in the egg to vibrate, which can cause the egg to explode. However, the risk of pathogens forming still exists.

Our tip:

  • Do not store eggs at room temperature, but if possible in the refrigerator and always heat food with eggs for at least 10 minutes at at least 70 degrees.

Exciting: Caution: You should never heat up these 3 foods in the microwave >>

Video: Reheating food: Be careful with these foods

Who doesn’t know it? Half of yesterday’s delivery service pizza is still in the box: “On the plate and into the microwave,” many people think. But with some foods you should pay attention to a few things when heating them up.

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