2022 budget unveiled by the government, refusal of school failure and Haitian migrant crisis

Did you miss the early morning news? We have concocted a recap to help you see more clearly.

The government unveils the 2022 budget on Wednesday, the opposition already critical

The return to school also rang for the French economy. The government is unveiling its draft budget for 2022 on Wednesday, which is already making the opposition cringe seven months before the presidential election. It is not a surprise, the last budget of a five-year term is never the most ambitious on the control of the expenses, whereas it is traditionally amended after the presidential and legislative elections. The 2022 finance bill is no exception to the rule, even if the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire has defended the “responsibility” and the “financial seriousness” of the executive.

Why a quarter of middle school students say they don’t like school

They often go to class dragging their feet. One in four college students from Rep says they don’t like going to school, according to a study * by Afev (Association of the student foundation for the city) which appears this Tuesday evening, on the occasion of the Day of the refusal of school failure, Wednesday. A mixed taste for courses which testifies to the current context, according to Marc Douaire, president of the Observatory of priority zones (OZP): “The health crisis has particularly worsened social inequalities. The students of Rep and Rep + were the most affected, because the confinement and periods of home schooling caused a real break in their schooling ”. It must be said that 49% of college students surveyed sometimes feel uncomfortable in college. A discomfort that 56% of them attribute to stress, fear of controls or being questioned.

Joe Biden under pressure over ‘despicable’ images of migrants

“Despicable” expulsions, a “shocking” situation or a “colossal disaster”: the Republicans but also big democratic names in the American Congress were indignant on Tuesday at the management by the Biden government of the sudden arrival of thousands of Haitian migrants at the southern border of the United States. Photos showing

Border guards on horseback pushing back migrants, sometimes using the reins as a lasso, near Del Rio, Texas, particularly shocked the country, prompting the Democratic government to open an investigation. Vice-President Kamala Harris deemed the images “horrific” and told reporters that she supported the investigations. Up to 15,000 people, mostly Haitians, gathered last week under a bridge near the border in Del Rio in this great South American state, in the heat and in very precarious conditions.

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