What’s behind the 30:30:30 hype?

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Get the pounds off in the morning with minimal effort. This is what a weight loss method from the USA promises. This is what experts say about the trend.

Kassel – Anyone who decides to lose a few kilos is confronted with an almost endless selection of diets and weight loss methods. Some trends promise lose weight without having to give up too much. Many people even resort to just a few home remedies to lose weight. A weight loss method that is currently making the rounds on TikTok also promises successful weight loss with relatively little effort. A nutritionist explains the benefits of the 30:30:30 method.

Losing weight with the 30:30:30 trend – “classified as good from a nutritional perspective”

The principle sounds simple and tempting: If you get up in the morning, you consume around 30 grams of protein within 30 minutes with a small breakfast. This is followed by a 30-minute, moderate training session. The pulse should not be more than 135 beats per minute. “You shouldn’t pant,” says US biologist Gary Brecka, promoting the weight loss method in a video that millions of users see.

“Do this for a month and watch the fat dissolve,” is Brecka’s promise. “From a nutritional point of view, this can definitely be classified as good. If you start the day with a good portion of protein in the morning, you will keep your blood sugar level constant and prevent cravings,” explains nutritionist Tanja Maxeiner IPPEN.MEDIA. According to Maxeiner, if you move for half an hour every day instead of sitting around, you will burn additional calories and increase your metabolism.

Weight loss trend 30:30:30: Nutrition expert advises tailoring diets to your individual needs

From an expert’s point of view, the method is definitely recommended. “All in all, this is great and will certainly help some people lose a few pounds and/or maintain their weight,” summarizes the nutritionist. However, the approach is not new. It just comes in a “new look,” says the nutrition expert.

However, 30:30:30 only helps under one condition, explains Tara Schmidt, nutritionist and lecturer at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, in one Contribution: “If the change in behavior does not also lead to a calorie deficit, then the situation is not harmful, but it is not helpful either.” So if you maintain a healthy routine in the morning but practice the exact opposite during the day, you will, in the best case scenario, maintain your weight.

The 30:30:30 method promises weight loss with relatively little effort. (Symbolic image) © Bihlmayerfotografie/Imagoi

The 30:30:30 method itself has not yet been scientifically studied in detail, the expert continues. In addition, nutrition, lifestyle and diets should always be tailored to the individual. However, according to Schmidt, there is sufficient evidence that eating proteins for breakfast or exercising in the morning has positive effects. But it doesn’t matter when you train, what’s important is that you do it. The WHO recommends that adults engage in at least 150 to 300 minutes of moderate to high-intensity physical activity per week.

TikTok method alone might not be enough to live a healthy, sustainable life

Maxeiner also emphasizes that the method contributes significantly to improvement, but alone is not enough to guarantee a sustainably healthy lifestyle. It could fail because of the 30 minutes of daily exercise in the morning. What sounds like little doesn’t involve little effort for everyone: “It’s not easy for most people to do or even maintain! “Many people could fail because of this in the long term,” says the nutritionist. “However, if you manage to do it in the long term, you will have good things for yourself Health “done,” is her conclusion.

Also other influencers advertise a variety of weight loss tricks, including an English woman who lost 30 kilograms within a short period of time. When it comes to effective methods for losing pounds, intermittent fasting is now a classic. (jm)

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