20-year-old stabbed in the street, suspect arrested

The condition of the 20-year-old young man stabbed Tuesday in the city center of Toulouse is improving, and he will soon be able to give his story to investigators. The violent scene took place shortly before 5 p.m., in the Esquirol district. The victim collapsed on rue des Marchands, after taking a few steps, in front of many shocked, sometimes panicked, passers-by. So that the police only had to follow the public clamor to catch up, not far away, under a carriage entrance, the presumed author of the stab wound.

The suspect, also 20 years old, did not resist his arrest, he even indicated where he had gotten rid of his blade. It seems for the moment that the two young people did not know each other, or not directly, and that the attack was not premeditated. While waiting for the rest of the hearings, the track of a spontaneous “conflict” which degenerated is privileged.

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