“20 Minutes” and UFC-Que Choisir answer your questions about short circuits

Real estate, transport, food, clothing, travel, taxes… Being a consumer is a job in its own right and on a daily basis. But it’s not always easy to navigate the jungle of regulations or alleged bargains. Do not panic ! 20 minutes and its partner UFC-Que Choisir are there to help you, by answering your questions in the Brief Conso. This week, it is the turn of short circuits – food distribution involving only a maximum intermediary – to be reviewed.

Farmers’ markets, producers’ shops, farmers’ drives or cooperative grocery stores: there are many possibilities. So that you can choose the bias that suits you best, UFC-Que Choisir has set up a free interactive map, developed in partnership with the National Institute for Agronomic and Ecological Research (INRAE). But it remains to be seen whether the short circuit is as advantageous in theory as in practice. Is it cheaper than in the supermarket? More environmentally friendly? Is it a guarantee of quality? The answers to your questions are in our new Consumer Brief with Grégory Caret, director of the Consumer Observatory at What to choose.

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