“20 Minutes” and the UFC-Que Choisir answer your questions

Real estate, transport, food, clothing, travel, taxes… To be Consummer, it is a full-fledged and daily job. But it’s not always easy to navigate the jungle of regulations or so-called bargains. Do not panic ! 20 minutes and its partner UFC-Que Choisir are there to help you, by answering your questions in the Brief Conso. And this week, we are talking about telephone canvassing with Cyril Brosset, head of the “New technologies” section at Que Choisir. A plague
against which the association has been fighting for years.

In the morning, during the day, in the evening, several times a day … Many individuals are subjected to these calls aimed at selling them goods and services they do not want. On landline or mobile phone, these solicitations are a real plague for consumers, who are struggling to put an end to them. Even registration on Bloctel, a tool developed by the State, does not seem to work. The personal training account, telephony, heating… There is something for everyone. And all the abuse.

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