150th birthday of Hugo von Hofmannsthal: Glorious and dangerous – culture

Let’s start with the factual, there is more of this about Hugo von Hofmannsthal, who was born on February 1, 1874 at Salesianergasse 12 in Vienna into a wealthy and loving family than hardly any other poet of the last century. In this respect he can easily compete with Thomas Mann, George and Rilke. Only two years ago, after 55 years, the Critical Complete Edition was completed in 40 volumes with a total of 30,000 pages. The first two volumes were published in 1976 by the great German scholar Richard Alewyn, who was sworn to Hofmannsthal SZ not discussed without critical reservations. “But despite all this,” was the last sentence, “treasures are being uncovered here for those who know how to find them.”

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