11 bites recorded in all at the Feria de Vic, a suspect released

No needles were found on him and he categorically denies being a “pricker”. The 38-year-old man arrested on the night of Saturday to Sunday at the Feria de Vic-Fezensac, in the Gers, was released. He corresponded to the physical and clothing description given by a 22-year-old young woman who was sitting near him on the terrace of a café when she felt a sting. But “the numerous investigations carried out during police custody did not confirm the suspect’s involvement. His police custody has therefore been lifted, ”announces Jacques-Edouard Andrault, the public prosecutor of Auch, on Monday evening. “The investigations are continuing, with the blood analysis of the victim in particular”, adds the magistrate. The young woman experienced a sensation of a hot flush just after the injection.

During the Feria Gersoise, from June 3 to 6, 11 cases of bites were recorded in all. There have been four complaints so far, but more are expected to follow. Several blood samples are being analyzed.

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