Zoo: Spider monkey tries to pull girl into cage (video)

Watch the video: grabbed by the hair – spider monkey tries to pull the girl into the cage.

At a zoo in Mexico, a girl tried to attract attention by banging on the wire mesh in a monkey cage.
And she had more attention than she would have liked…
Because a monkey grabbed the girl’s long hair and tried to pull her to the cage.
After initial shock, the girl’s shrieks give way to giggles of pleasure. Finally, a boy comes to her aid and she manages to get out of the predicament.
But the monkey encounter doesn’t end there, because when the girl tries to take a new seat in front of the chain link fence, maybe to take a picture, the monkeys seize the opportunity again.
This time the girl can even free herself.
The monkeys are spider monkeys. They are at home in Central and South America. The cute primates should be treated with caution. Males tend to be violent toward females, and captive spider monkeys are sometimes violent toward humans as well.
The video of the animal attack went viral on TikTok and already has nearly 10 million views.

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