Zoff between Linda and Eric escalates – his wife interferes

Linda Nobat and Eric Stehfest argue on “I’m a Celebrity – Get Me Out of Here! The Aftermath”.Image: screenshot rtl

jungle camp

There is one last reunion of the jungle campers: Two weeks after the finale of the current issue of “I’m a Celebrity – Get Me Out of Here!” the candidates met for a “postlude” that runs on RTL on Sunday evening. Over the past 14 days, the campers have had time to watch every episode of their season and learn things they may not have noticed. New Zoff is almost inevitable.

Before the broadcast, RTL had already published a clip from “I’m a star – get me out of here! The aftermath” online. This shows that, among other things, ex-“Bachelor” candidate Linda Nobat and Eric Stehfest get in each other’s hair. In the end, even Eric’s wife Edit fights with the former dome show participant.

Eric Stehfest is angry about Linda’s jungle teasing

The reason for the renewed outbreak is Linda’s gossip about Eric. The former “GZSZ” actor says to RTL:

“It doesn’t matter exactly what was said and by whom, but that an attitude was taken towards me that was rather negative and my wife told me so.”

In the jungle camp aftermath, Eric confronts Linda with it. But the 27-year-old does not let these allegations sit and makes it clear: “I said bad things about you, true, but didn’t I say that to your face?! I said you were fake.” But Eric insists that she didn’t say it to his face.

The jungle campers come together again on Sunday.

The jungle campers come together again on Sunday.Image: RTL/ Stefan Menne

Edith Stehfest then gets involved and snaps at Linda:

“You looked at the camera on the jungle phone and said my husband is a rat, the man is ratty and as a good woman I will defend my husband to the death.”

And Eric replied angrily: “None of you knew me before or approached me about anything. There was no interest at all.” He is the only person in Germany who let a camera in during his psychotherapy,” he adds, adding: “Do you know why? Because I’m saying we live in a time that needs truthfulness.”

It remains to be seen which jungle campers will still fight in the aftermath. In addition, the viewers have to say goodbye: the aftermath is Daniel Hartwich’s last jungle camp appearance. He will no longer moderate the show with Sonja Zietlow to have more time for his family to have. However, he will remain as an RTL presenter for other shows such as “Let’s Dance”.


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