Zipper inventor creates app that beeps when pants are unzipped

Zipper inventor
“When you beep’s probably?!” – Inventor creates app that sounds an alarm when the trouser fly is open

Maybe the fly-is-open-alarm attached to the zipper will soon be available for purchase (symbol image)

© iStockphoto / Getty Images

A tinkerer wants to ensure that you will never again find yourself in the embarrassing situation of having to be ashamed of your pants standing open.

“To be honest, I really like your pants” – this and similar sayings are usually put up with among friends when you have the misfortune of not having zipped up your pants. Or if it simply broke and thus provided an unwanted view of the Unterbuxe.

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Luckily for most of us, that doesn’t happen very often. So that such an embarrassing situation is future completely can be ruled out, the resourceful inventor Guy Dupont thought about something: Why isn’t there a simple device on the pants that reports with an acoustic signal if the zipper is unintentionally open?

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Said and done. Dupont set to work and invented the “trouser fly-is-open-alarm”, with which the rhetorical question in the future: “Is there a beep?!” can say yes – at least if the app signal shows that it is necessary to correct the state of the zipper on his trousers.

Dupont published a short video of his construction via Twitter. At the beginning you see him reaching for the opening of his pants with one hand, pulling down the zipper. Shortly thereafter, a beep can be heard on his mobile phone. This construction, which he dubbed “WhyFly”, then displays the information “Fly is down”, i.e. “trousers are open”, on the mobile phone screen and one could now – if this openness occurs unexpectedly – ​​quickly correct this potentially embarrassing situation.

As summarized by the technology portal “Golem”, Dupont’s invention did not require any great effort. A “magnet” is simply attached to the back of the zipper puller. When the zipper puller is in the down position, i.e. the fly is open, the magnet is detected by a Hall Effect sensor attached to the fabric at the bottom of the zipper […] The sensor signal is sent to the ESP32 microprocessor, which evaluates it and, if necessary, sends a push message.”

In addition to a simple magnet, Dupont also used three to four other components, programmed a little – and the invention was complete. However, this small life aid is not yet available for purchase. As Dupont also announced via Twitter, he is currently still looking for sponsors who will finance his project in order to be able to market it commercially at some point.

Sources: Twitter, golem


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