Zinneberg Castle: Tolerance in a can – Ebersberg

Respect and dignity are written on the large plaques that can be seen as graffiti in front of the middle school. In addition to the artistic aspect, the words on the colorful signs also stand for values ​​that should be lived in the school every day. That’s why there was recently a forum on the topics of respect, dignity, respect, tolerance, appreciation, to which schoolchildren, trainees and employees were invited.

This forum took up topics that are important for living together in Zinneberg and beyond. It was based on the motto: “It’s up to me! For a good coexistence in Zinneberg and in the world.” The aim was to make all Zinnebergers aware of these values ​​again and to deal with them.

The other graffiti reminds of the dignity of every human being.

(Photo: private/oh)

The participating students and employees had prepared scenes and chats intended to draw attention to communication obstacles. “Get involved, take a stand, work for respectful cooperation” was the call from the facility’s management team. The project, in which all classes and areas of Zinneberg deal intensively with one of these values, will be concluded with an internal exhibition at the end of the school year.

In addition to imparting professional knowledge, these values ​​are also the basis for successful training and later professional life. These are important focal points for the vocational preparation and vocational integration years (BVJ/BIJ) at Schloss Zinneberg. A wide range of support measures and internships enable the students in these classes to make a successful start in working life. The vast majority of young people from Zinneberg manage to do this: 90 percent of the BVJ/BIJ pupils have so far been placed in training positions, the school management reports.

There are still places available for the BVJ/BIJ classes. If you are interested, you can contact the school administration by calling (08093) 9087-26.

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