Zelenskyj: Dead in attack on blood transfusion center

According to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Russia has once again launched rocket attacks on the country. A center for blood transfusions was bombed in Kupyansk in the Kharkiv region in eastern Ukraine, Zelenskyy said on Saturday evening on the Telegram news channel. There are reports of dead and injured. Rescuers extinguished the fire.

“This war crime alone says everything about Russian aggression,” he wrote. “Beating the terrorists is a matter of honor for all who value life.” Russia is simply destroying vital facilities.

A blow had been struck against the Motor Sich plant in Zaporizhia, Selenskyj had previously announced in his evening video message. There had previously been an air alert in Ukraine again. Zelenskyj did not say whether there was any damage. Motor Sich is considered the country’s most important manufacturer of engines for airplanes and helicopters as well as gas turbines. According to Zelenskyj, the Khmelnytskyi region was also hit.

Russia has been waging a war of aggression against Ukraine for more than 17 months. “Some of the missiles were shot down. Thanks to our air defense fighters,” said the head of state. Russia once again fired Kinzhal (Dagger) rockets and Kalibr cruise missiles.

Ukraine’s drone strikes in the Black Sea are increasing:

Ukraine has attacked another Russian ship with a sea drone.

08/05/2023 | 01:42 min

Zelenskyy assured that Ukraine will defend its freedom. “And Russia will not manage to replace international law with terror or crises or any intimidation.”

In his speech, Zelenskyy praised the meeting in the Saudi Arabian city of Jeddah, which was about his formula for a future peace. 42 states from different continents are represented there, united by international law. A key point of Zelenskyj’s “peace formula” is the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine. Important bilateral meetings are also planned in Jeddah, Zelenskyy said. Russia is not invited.

How do you rate the conference in Saudi Arabia? ZDF correspondent Golineh Atai assesses the situation:

According to ZDF correspondent Golineh Atai, the peace talks for Ukraine in Jeddah in Saudi Arabia are not about a breakthrough, but rather about initiating a process.

08/05/2023 | 01:26 min

Zelenskyj once again thanked Germany for the latest defense packages. Ukraine is expecting new aid package commitments from allies in the coming week. “The greater the consolidation of the world in restoring a just peace, the faster the bombs and missiles with which Moscow wants to replace the norms of international law will be put to an end.”

You can find the latest news on Russia’s attack on Ukraine at any time in our live blog:

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