Zelenskyj at the EPG summit: “Russia is learning from its mistakes”

As of: October 5th, 2023 3:54 p.m

With dramatic words in Granada, Ukraine’s President Zelenskyj called on Europeans to unite in the fight against Russian aggression. On the sidelines of the summit, the EU announced that it would expand its aid to Armenia.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has warned of a ceasefire and a freeze on the conflict in his country. If Russia gets a break now, by 2028 it will have regained the military potential it has previously used up in the war, said Zelenskyj in Granada at the summit of the new European Political Community (EPG). In its urge to expand, the attacker Russia will then be “strong enough to attack other countries.”

“Most Dangerous Enemy”

Zelensky sees particular danger for the Baltic states, which were also once part of the Soviet Union. “Russia is trying to freeze the situation and adapt. It is learning from its mistakes and preparing to move forward,” Zelensky said, citing information from intelligence agencies. “The most dangerous enemy is the one who has drawn conclusions to prepare for the next attack.” Moscow is striving for imperial influence in order to prevent the free development of democratic states in Europe and to break unity on the continent.

Zelensky pointed out that Moscow has been trying for years to maintain its control over neighboring states through wars and frozen conflicts. “Russia harmed Moldova, tried to destroy and divide Georgia and destabilize other areas of the Caucasus,” he continued. In 2008, Georgia lost control of its regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia in a war with Russia.

“Russia can only be rendered harmless through defeat”

Zelensky called for European unity in the fight against Russian aggression. Russia could only be rendered harmless by defeat in its war of aggression. Ukraine is not able to do this on its own and is therefore dependent on help and security guarantees, said Zelensky. With a view to the “political storm” in the USA, he appealed to the Europeans to “reflect on their own strengths” and continue to help Ukraine. He expressed confidence that the USA – Kiev’s biggest supporter to date – will also continue its help in the future.

EU wants to double aid to Armenia

On the sidelines of the summit in Granada it was announced that the EU wants to double its humanitarian aid to Armenia. In addition to the 5.2 million euros already granted, Commission President Ursula von der Leyen promised a further 5.25 million euros. At the same time, she promised the Caucasus state support in expanding its infrastructure. A corresponding economic and investment plan envisages investments totaling up to 2.6 billion euros.

The reason is the reconquest of Nagorno-Karabakh by Azerbaijan and the flight of more than 100,000 ethnic Armenians from the region that belongs to Azerbaijan under international law. At the EU’s initiative, a meeting was to take place between Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev and Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan on the occasion of the European Political Community summit. According to Azerbaijani media, Aliyev decided against taking part.

It is the third meeting of the EPG, which includes the 27 EU states as well as other European countries such as Great Britain, Ukraine and Turkey.

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