Zelenskyi: President’s jacket sold for £90,000

Action for Ukraine
President Zelenskyy’s fleece jacket fetches £90,000 at auction in London

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in early April in Kyiv. He is wearing a fleece jacket.

© ZUMA Wire / Imago Images

Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s khaki fleece jacket has sold for £90,000 in London. At the charity event, Prime Minister Boris Johnson paid tribute to the President of Ukraine.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson spoke of a “bargain” at £50,000. The equivalent of around 58,500 euros was the minimum bid for the famous khaki-colored fleece jacket by Volodymyr Zelenskyj, which was auctioned off on Thursday at a charity drive in London. The Ukrainian embassy had invited the auction house Christie’s to hold the auction in the Tate Modern.

Boris Johnson paid tribute to Zelenskyy in his speech at the event. He called the Ukrainian president “truly one of the most incredible leaders of modern times”. He is convinced that Ukraine will win. “Ukraine will be free and a sovereign Ukraine will rise again.” The British government published an online transcript of the speech.

Zelenskyj’s jacket and a tour with Klitschko

Johnson called for a high bid. In addition to Zelenskyj’s jacket, a guided tour of Kyiv with Mayor Klitschko was also auctioned. The jacket ended up going under the hammer for almost double the price of the original – for £90,000, the equivalent of around 105,000 euros, reports the British newspaper “The Telegraph”. The money goes to humanitarian aid in Ukraine.

There are numerous pictures where Zelenskyj can be seen in a khaki fleece. Since his country was attacked by Russia on February 24 and has been at war, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s clothes, with their shades of green and beige, are reminiscent of a uniform.

Selenskyj was connected via video during the event. He praised the “courageous Boris” who visited him in Kyiv, reports “The Telegraph”. Boris Johnson traveled to the Ukrainian capital in early April.

Sources: gov.uk, “The Telegraph”


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