“Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom” in the test: The princess can wait a long time

Tears of the Kingdom follows six years after the first Zelda game for the Switch. The new part is not a classic “Zelda” offshoot either – but it is possibly the largest sandbox for the Nintendo console.

Imagine: while exploring a dark cave you come across a creepy mummy from long forgotten times. She wakes up and attacks. Being hopelessly inferior to the attacker’s powers, you not only lose an arm, but also the adored princess you were traveling with. As if by a miracle, you wake up and realize: You’re still alive! What would normally be the first and only priority? That’s right, completely ignore the incident and lose yourself completely in the world that offers itself from now on. Princess? Which princess? Welcome to The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

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