Youtuber streams stoned in the car – and runs over a pedestrian

Live stream
“Oh, I didn’t see her”: YouTuber streams while stoned in the car – and runs over a pedestrian

The YouTuber VP, aka Vegan Patriot, was streaming during the accident

© VP / YouTube

With live streams, many people allow insights into their lives. The YouTuber VP now showed a scene that she probably would have preferred not to see online: she rammed a pedestrian while stoned.

It has its own charm: Anyone who follows live streams of normal people gets deep insights into their private lives – and often doesn’t know what will happen there. The YouTuber VP, short for Vegan Patriot, also openly streams her life in Los Angeles online. Now that backfired.

At first it went as usual. The American woman in her twenties often streams herself from her car, answering questions and smoking weed. On Friday, she was driving with a joint in one hand and a cell phone in the other, talking about the voices in her head. When suddenly there is a rumble.

“I did not see you!”

Looking irritated, VP hits the brakes and only slowly seems to understand what has happened. “Oh my God, are you okay,” she asks from the hastily opened car door. “No!” comes the voice of an unseen woman. “What the hell did you do,” another female voice asks. “I didn’t see her,” the YouTuber snaps back unexpectedly harshly. “I looked. I just didn’t see her,” she replies to an accusation from outside the car.

After another argument with the witnesses, she turns to the streaming viewers. “Whatever just happened wasn’t good,” she admits. “I didn’t see those.” Then she stops the stream. “That’s it for today’s content.”

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03:12 minutes

Youtuber blames sun

In fact, the streamer reported back on the same day – again from behind the wheel of her car. “I’m really blessed because I decided not to be an asshole today,” she praises herself. The chat sees it quite differently. The viewers want to know what happened to the other woman and what VP was actually thinking about driving stoned. But she still sees no guilt in herself.

“It was the sun,” she pretends to be innocent. “We’re welcome to talk about the fact that I should do certain things less. But that had nothing to do with the situation before,” she pushes the drugs aside as a reason. The sun blinded her and she couldn’t see the woman at all, VP further claims. And she maintains that her behavior is praiseworthy. Even a police officer patted her on the shoulder for not just driving away, she claims. Then she streams herself in the car for five more hours. Smoking weed, sleeping (parked at least), chatting at the wheel. As if the accident had never happened.

However, she seems to be fundamentally aware that her behavior was not okay: she has since deleted the original stream of the accident. It would probably count as evidence. Driving stoned is also illegal in otherwise liberal California. However, excerpts secured by third parties can still be found.

A life in the car

It’s not even the first time that a YouTuber’s stream has attracted negative attention. In a stream from February, you could see her little dog excreting a worm in the car – right in the middle of a shopping bag that she was delivering on behalf of a service provider. When she discovers the parasite, she simply wipes it off. And carries the bag with more out of the car. She then frankly says that she brought the delivery to the customers.

Even from a distance, she seems to have learned exactly nothing from the incident. The most recent stream showed her sleeping in the car for hours. When she does drive, she does it exactly like in the accident clip: with the smartphone in one hand and the vape in the other – and her eyes glued to the screen.

Sources: Youtube, YouTube 2


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