“You will know soon”, Djokovic still evasive about his presence in Melbourne

Novak Djokovic continues his endless teasing. The Serb raised the question of his presence at the Australian Open after his team’s loss to Croatia in the Davis Cup semi-final. And the least we can say is that the answer does not add anything new, if it is no longer from blur to blur.

“I’m really tired of this season and this whole year. I understand you want answers on where and how I’m going to start the season, but we’ll see what the future holds. I can’t give you a date, but obviously the Australian Open is coming fast, so you will know very soon, ”said the world number 1.

Djokovic father has (a little) sold the wick

A few days ago, Novak Djokovic’s father regretted what he called vaccination blackmail and more or less sold the wick, namely that his son might not defend his title in Melbourne in January due to their immunization status.

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