“You turn around, he is no longer there” … Kylian the extraterrestrial Mbappé extends the pleasure with Paris (but not his contract)

He was not even replaced, when the match was already folded. Monday evening, Kylian Mbappé was THE star of PSG on the lawn of La Rabine, in Vannes. Because Neymar and Messi weren’t there. Even if they would have been traveling to Brittany, the two South American players can no longer compete with the talent of the French international. Monday evening, Kyky offered himself a hat-trick against the modest players of the Vannes Olympique Club. Resident of National 2, the VOC lasted about twenty minutes against the Parisian ogre, before giving in on a header from Presnel Kimpembe. But in the pouring rain, the Bretons caught lightning in seventeen minutes. Time for Kyky to plant a hat-trick which offered a quiet qualification in the round of 16 of the Coupe de France to Mauricio Pochettino (0-4).

Under contract in Paris until June, the French international should pack his bags before the summer. If he does not extend, his departure should bring nothing to the Qatari owners, who had spent 180 million euros to afford Bondy’s kid when he was playing in Monaco. In such a situation, many would have sold off the match against amateurs played on a Monday evening in pouring rain in a small city stadium. After the first 45 minutes, we thought that Kylian Mbappé was sulking. His promise to be 100% with PSG until the end of the season seemed as reliable as our resolution to cut chocolate in 2022. It took him a monstrous acceleration to get everyone to agree. In the 60th minute, while his team had all the trouble in the world to contain the assaults of the players of the 4th division, Kyky put the turbo, deposited the defense and beat Clément Pétrel, yet very good in the cages of the VOC on Monday night. “You have to see it and experience it to understand what it is. You turn around and he is no longer there, ”slips Alexandre Lavenant, Vannes Olympique defender.

Eleven minutes later, Mbappé did it again with a magnificent strike in the top corner, sealing the fate of a meeting that Paris had no right to lose. Before offering a hat-trick a few minutes later on an offering from young Dina Ebimbe. End of the boudou of Kylian, who could smile by offering his 148, 149 and 150th goals with the PSG. Monstrous. “In the first half, we did not see him too much, he did not seem very concerned,” slipped in a smile Pierre Talmont, the Vannes coach. In the second half, the music was not the same. ” It’s crazy. He showed us that there is a real level of gap between him and the others. Even when we thought we could contain it, we got a shot right in the top corner, ”adds Alexandre Lavenant.

In pouring rain, the Vannes defender suffered to contain the French international. The yellow warning to precipitation launched by Météo-France on Morbihan was verified true when the 23-year-old striker struck down lightning on La Rabine. But at the end of the meeting, he was the one who got what all his teammates were hoping for. Kylian’s swimsuit, sweat included. “I talked to him about it. He told me that if I was not far from him at the end of the match, he would give me his jersey. I will keep it preciously. No doubt put it in a frame. I don’t know if I’m going to wash it, ”laughs the defender from Vannes.

“Kylian’s goals were the icing on the cake”

Let him take advantage of it. While the second part of the season promises to be dense for the Parisians, the number of jerseys worn by Kylian under the PSG logo could not exceed thirty, the Champions League and the Coupe de France included. But that, his trainer wants to believe that it does not affect him. “Tonight, we had fun. We were able to correct things at half-time to be more fluid in the conservation of the ball and to find depth. Kylian’s goals were the icing on the cake, ”Pochettino said after the meeting in a press conference heckled by bombardments from the public.

The charm of the cup for players light years away from the concerns of the French international, which many announce to Real Madrid. “Kylian doesn’t let his contractual situation affect him. He has said it before and he has proven it again, ”Pochettino recalled. In an interview with CNN, Mbappé promised that he would be “100% with Paris” until the end of the season. PSG will need this if they want to hope to shine on the European scene. Vannes is not Real Madrid.

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