You are positive for Covid-19 but you do not intend to isolate yourself despite the recommendations? tell us

Contact case. Contamination. Or even reinfection. With the outbreak of the pandemic under the effect of the highly contagious Omicron variant, no one escapes the omnipresence of Covid-19. At work, with those around you, but also at school, where the virus circulates widely among students and staff, which forces parents to have their children (very) regularly tested. Except that for some, the cup is full.

And despite their contamination, some decide that after two years of pandemic and daily constraints, the isolation of five to seven days decided by the health authorities, it is not for them. And they do not provide any exit restrictions. Neither for them, for their children. On social networks, many parents testify to their weariness and tell of writing the sworn statement certifying that their child contact case has been tested negative, but without having subjected them to the slightest test. At the risk of sending him back positive to school and infecting others.

Is this your case? Have you tested positive, but chosen not to self-isolate? Or to let your child in contact continue to go to school without testing him, even if he is positive? Why ? Are you vaccinated or not? Did the lower virulence of the Omicron variant influence your decision not to isolate yourself? Tell us (your testimonials will be anonymized).

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