Yoga, meditation… Did you continue to take care of your mental health after the confinements? tell us

Meditation, yoga, walks in nature, puzzles, appointments with the shrink or sophrologist, contemplative moments… During confinement, you were a fan of these little moments just for you, which were good for your morale and relaxed you . You promised yourself: when the pandemic ends, you will continue to take care of your mental health. Three years later, it’s time to take stock. Have you kept your promises or have you returned to your daily life based on the (crowded) subway, work (behind the computer), (small) sleep, interspersed with series on Netflix and hours spent on Insta and TikTok?

Were you a fan of moments just for you during confinement and you promised yourself to continue afterwards? Today, have you kept these habits? If so, what do they consist of? How do you benefit from them? Do you feel better psychologically compared to pre-lockdown? Conversely, if you failed to deliver on your promises, tell us why. Didn’t find the time? Energy? The money? Or just lazy?

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